An important step in taking control of your personal finances is to create a realistic budget and stick to it.
This should include:
This should include:
This should include:
This should include:
For most people, this is the most difficult category. Unexpected expenses often occur, leaving no choice but to dip into the savings. Even if you can’t always meet your goal every month, try to put away as much as possible. Keep your savings in a separate account so you can quickly see how much is there.
The rule of thumb is to build up a three-month cushion over time to help with emergencies, job loss or other financial difficulties.
This should include:
Boleman Law firm helps people with overwhelming debt. We are Virginia’s largest consumer bankruptcy law firm.
Everyone receives a FREE personal consultation with a skilled, experienced attorney. It’s as easy as a phone call.
Since 1991 we have helped 106,000 Virginians regain their financial health.
We will help you.
Download PDFLaura Alridge is the President and a Shareholder of Boleman Law Firm and has been practicing bankruptcy law since she joined Boleman in 1998.
Laura is active in the Richmond community, having worked with the Virginia Poverty Law Center, Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME), The Credit Abuse Resistance Education (CARE) program, and the Legal Information Network for Cancer (CancerLINC). She is a frequent speaker at community workshops and professional CLE courses.
Laura grew up in Roanoke, Virginia and today lives in Richmond with her husband and son. She enjoys traveling and spending time with her family.
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