Often, these folks never even contemplate bankruptcy until they had no other options. They have gone through whatever investments they may have accumulated. Many people refinance real estate or liquidate their 401k accounts to pay off debts. They believed they were responsible for their debts, and they tried to take care of their financial obligations themselves. Many others utilize credit to help get by in the short-term, “robbing Peter to pay Paul”. They borrow money from friends and family to pay off aggressive collectors, often doing significant damage to both their credit and their personal lives. Folks often express their regret in not having filed their bankruptcy sooner. We can protect your assets if you call us early.
Don’t Wait!
Call us immediately.
Don't lose your transportation!
Save your 401k!
We know the law.
Get off the treadmill.
No more sleepless nights.
Tell them to "Call my lawyer!"
Please don't try to go it alone.
There are options.
We will help you.
We can stop it today!
We understand.
We have solutions.
Your home is you rmost valuable asset..
We'll help lift the burden.
Bad things happen.
We will help you.
Interstate Center
2104 W Laburnum Ave, Suite 201
Richmond, VA 23227
Fax: 804.358.8704
Southport Centre
4525 South Boulevard, Suite 201
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Fax: 804.358.8704
Patrick Henry Corporate Center
12350 Jefferson Ave, Suite 170
Newport News, VA 23602
Fax: 804.358.8704
©2025 Boleman Law Firm, P.C.